Qualifications Framework


Since 2010, HKRMA has been supporting the Government in QF development for retail

 industry, with an aim to encourage retail practitioners to upgrade their professionalism

through lifelong learning.

QF consists of seven levels covering qualifications attained from mainstream education,

 vocational training and continuing education, offering the articulation ladders between

different levels of qualifications.

Details: https://www.hkqf.gov.hk/retail/en/home/index.html

Specifications of Competency Standards (SCS)

SCS offers employers guidelines on recruitment, training and competency assessment. 

In particular, they can design suitable training programmes for employees in different

 positions according to SCS, strengthening the skills and service quality of the 

whole team systematically.


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

The RPL for retail industry was officially launched in December 2014. It enables

 practitioners to receive formal recognition of their knowledge, skills and experience

 already acquired. Employers may also devise training programmes in respect of the

 competencies and qualification levels attained by their employees to meet organizational

 needs, and get them prepared for career advancement, which benefits both employers

 and employees.


Award Scheme for Learning Experiences

The Award Scheme aims to encourage outstanding or emerging practitioners to engage in

 learning activities (e.g. international competitions, seminars, sharing sessions and study

 tours, etc.) in different places around the world with a view to broadening their horizons

 and developing network with industry partners in and outside Hong Kong.
